⭕️ WhatsApp is set to introduce a new AI feature for addressing user queries.

⭕️ Reliance Jio has launched satellite-based internet services, JioSpaceFiber.

⭕️ Tata is on track to become the first Indian iPhone manufacturer with the acquisition of the Winston Unit.

⭕️ Jio has unveiled the Prima 4G phone in India, priced at Rs 2,599.

⭕️ Advocate in Delhi falls victim to a SIM swap scam, resulting in a loss of Rs 50 lakh.

⭕️ Nokia 105 Classic Feature Phone With UPI Support Launched in India.

⭕️ Elon Musk has expressed the desire for X to introduce a financial and payment feature within a year.

⭕️ Instagram testing new feature that will allow your friends to add photos to your post.

⭕️ Mumbai-based doctor couple loses Rs 90,000 in online scam.

⭕️ Infosys co-founder Narayan Murthy urges Indian youth to work 70 hours a week.

⭕️ Google will now let you report offensive AI-generated content on Play store.

⭕️ Tata to make iPhones in India for local and global markets

⭕️ Meta’s Threads has about 100 million monthly users

⭕️ Reliance Jio launches JioSpace Fiber to provide internet services in rural areas in India

⭕️ Reliance to acquire Disney's Indian operations in a multi-billion dollar deal.

⭕️ An affordable BSNL plan offers 90 days of free calling for just Rs.439.

⭕️ WhatsApp on Windows introduces a feature to initiate chats with unknown numbers.

⭕️ Google Chrome is soon getting a new 'IP protection' feature.

⭕️ Amazon introduces face, fingerprint, and PIN sign-ins to enhance security.

⭕️ Instagram tests a feed that exclusively displays posts from verified users.

⭕️ Lenovo and Nvidia collaborate to introduce Hybrid AI solutions tailored for enterprises.

⭕️ Betting-based online gaming companies are said to face Rs.1 Lakh Crore GST notices.

⭕️ Amazon Seeks Regulatory Approval for Project Kuiper Satellite Internet Services in India.

⭕️ Axis Bank-Fibe to Launch India's First Credit Card without Numbers.

⭕️ Israeli Tech Firms may consider Relocating to India Amid Escalating Israel-Hamas Conflict.

⭕️ Tesla Sells Recently Acquired Wireless Charging Company, Wiferion.

⭕️ Zebronics Makes Entry into the Indian Laptop Market, Unveils 5 New Laptops Starting at Rs. 27,990.

⭕️ WhatsApp Introduces AI Sticker Creation and Sharing for Users.

⭕️ Wipro to roll out Annual Salary Hikes effective from December 1.

⭕️ Microsoft Discontinues Free Windows 11 Update Option for Windows 7 Users.

TECHNOLOGY UPDATES TODAY 2023  TECHNOLOGY UPDATES TODAY 2023 Reviewed by Chaitanya Chaithu on Saturday, December 02, 2023 Rating: 5

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