⭕️ Opt for passwords that include symbols, numbers, and a mix of upper and lower-case letters. Avoid using easily guessable passwords like "iloveyoupooja."

⭕️ Treat your password like a toothbrush - change it every few weeks or at least once a month.

⭕️ When changing password, select the option to "logout from other devices" for added security.

⭕️ 2-FA provides an extra layer of security beyond a username and password. It's a crucial step to protect your accounts.

⭕️ Many third-party apps ask for your email and password for signup or login. Some might misuse or steal your data. Exercise caution when installing such apps.

⭕️ If you have a business account and display your email in your bio, hackers can use it for phishing attacks.

⭕️ Be cautious when clicking on any links, especially if they seem suspicious or redirect to unfamiliar sites.

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HOW TO SECURE YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS ?  HOW TO SECURE YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS ? Reviewed by Chaitanya Chaithu on Sunday, December 03, 2023 Rating: 5

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